by William Jovanovich


Adams, Henry: death of wife, 80; principle of acceleration, 79-80
Adriatic Sea, 6, 20, 38, 68
Afghanistan: war in, 16
Alabama, 41
Alaska: immigrants to, 55
Albania: 39; communists in, 16; Serbian retreat through, 10
Alexander I, King of Yugoslavia:  7, 10, 28, 40, 102; assassination of 30, 82; grandson of King Nikola I of Montenegro, 69; rule
    of,  82
Alps, 80
America. See “United States and America”
American Desert, 52
American Expeditionary Force, 29
American folk heroes, 62: Babe the Blue Ox, (Joe) Magarac, John Henry, Paul Bunyan, Pecos Bill
American industrial centers, 54-55: Buffalo, New York; Butte, Montana; Chicago, Illinois; Dayton, Ohio; Detroit, Michigan;
    Gary, Indiana; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; St. Louis, Missouri; Youngstown, Ohio
American West, “cowboy” heroes, 62-63: Baby Doe, Billy the Kid, Buffalo Bill Cody, General George Custer, the Dalton Brothers, Wyatt
    Earp, Wild Bill Hickok, Doc Holliday, the James Brothers, H.A.W. Tabor
Anglo-Saxon, 59
Appalachian Mountains, 52
Aragon, Spain, 84
Ardennes Mountains, 80
Argonne Forest, Battle of (WWI), 68
Aristotle: on literature, 43
Armenians: 86; holocaust of (WWI), 94
Arizona: immigrants to, 55
Asia: immigration from, 56; radicals in, 117
Atlantic coast, 52
Aurelius, Marcus, 86
Austria: 20; new Holy Roman Empire, 112
Austria-Hungary: annexation of Bosnia-Hercegovina, 6; demands on Serbia, 4; drive to the East, 6, 20; “old Empire” and
     Hapsburg Empire, 28, 60  supplants Turks in Bosnia-Hercegovina, 21, 95; WWI, 4, 10
Axis Powers (WWII), 30

Balkan: current problem of, 113; peoples, 112, 113
Balkan Wars, 7, 32
Balkans: 6, 10, 20, 21, 74, 80; and the Great Powers, 4, 18, 83
Bar, Montenegro, 60
barijaktar (flag bearer), 90
Belgians, allies WWI, 10
Belgrade, Yugoslavia: bombing of (1941), 102; Dedinje district in, 39; demonstrations in (1997), 108-110, 116, 118; Kalemegdan in, 8, 104;
     resistance to Nazi Germany in, 96
Berlin, Isaiah, 17
Berlin, Treaty of (1878), 6
Berlin to Baghdad, railroad, 21
Bisbee, Arizona, immigrants to, 56
blacks (Negroes, Afro-Americans), 29, 33, 59
Black Mountains (Crna Gora, Montenegro), 38
Black Sea, 20
Bogomils, 13
Bohemian, immigrants to U.S.:  25, 54
Bolivar, Simon, 117
Bosnia-Hercegovina: admitted to U.N., 18; analysis of people in, 12-14; annexation by Austria-Hungary, 6, 21, 95; break-up of, 82;
     comparison of civil war to Vietnam, 15-16; comparison to Northern Ireland, 94; Croats in, 13, 95; description of, 6; Fascist Croatia,
     part of, 102, 112; figures of dead and missing in civil war, 14; Holocaust in, 12, 14, 116; Milos*evic´ abandonment of, 110; Muslims in,
     6, 13, 94, 95, 96; Ottoman rule of, 83, 95; recognized by U.S., 20, 112; Serb nationalism in, 110; Serb Partisans in, 30; Serbs in, 3, 12,
     95, 112, 120; war crimes in, 13-14; Western Powers and, 83; Western press and, 10-12, 14, 94-95, 110; WWI, 10, 96, 112; WWII, 12,
     102, 112; Yugoslav civil war (1991-1995) in, 8, 12, 14, 15, 95. See also Yugoslavia, civil war
Braudel, Fernand, 83
Brda. See Montenegro
Bremen, Germany, 60
Brotzman, Donald, U.S. Congressman, 72
Bruccoli, Matthew, 69
Bulgars: 4, 15, 21, 32; immigrants to U.S., 54
Burkhardt, Dr. Frederick, 74
Butte, Montana: 84; immigrants to, 55, 56

Calabria, Italy, 59
California: 48, 49, 52; migrant workers in, 56
Cambodians: immigration to U.S., 56
capitalism, 121
Carpathian Mountains, 80
Carraway, Nick (character from The Great Gatsby), 68
Carbondale, Illinois: 55; KKK in, 32-33
Carroll, John, U.S. Senator, 36
Catholics: saved from Ottomans, 4; KKK and, 33
Central Americans: immigration to U.S., 55
Central Powers, 10, 112
Cerf, Bennett, 73-74
Cetinje, Montenegro, 38, 39, 40, 68, 70
Chetniks: Churchill and, 30; killing of, 116; resistance fighters in Serbia, 30; Serbs as, 12; struggle with Partisans, 29, 30, 102;
    tactics of, 32
Chicago, Illinois: 24, 26, 55; immigrants to, 54; packing houses in, 59
Chicago Tribune, The, 87
China: communism in, 16, 118
Chinese: 40, 86; language, 44
Chomsky, Noam: on language, 44
Christian: 15; Crusades, 94; Germans, 94; Orthodox, 4; powers in Europe, 112
Christianity: original sin, 99
Church of England: nationalism of, 110; relations with Serbian Orthodox Church, 110
Church, Greek Orthodox: nationalism of, 110
Church, Roman Catholic: persecution of Bogomils, 13
Church, Russian Orthodox:  nationalism of, 110
Church, Serbian Orthodox: in America, 34, 89, 90; attacked by The New York Times, 109-110; baptism, sacrament of, 89; ceremonies of,
     89, 90; in Montenegro,10; nationalism of, 90, 92, 110; Nemanjas and, 92; persecution of Bogomils, 13; relations with Church of
     England, 110. See also Orthodoxy
Cibola, Seven Cities of, 59
CIO, 59
Cities Service Company, Denver, Colorado, 24, 26
Cleveland, Ohio: immigrants to, 54
Cody, Wyoming, 48
Cold War: 86, 113; end of, 16
Colorado: 3, 48, 84; coalfields of, 24, 55; Great Coal Strike of, 33, 36; Great Coalfield War, 26; immigrants to, 55, 56; Ludlow Massacre,
    26, 33; National Guard of, 33-34; Serbian Orthodox church in, 90
Colorado Fuel and Iron Company (CF&I), 33
Colorado mining towns, 33:  La Veta, Ludlow, Tioga, Trinidad, Walsenburg
Communism: 84, 114; Djilas and, 101-102, 104, 113; end of, 16, 18; Serbs and, 89, 95. See also Marxism
Continental Divide, 48
Cortez, Hernando, 59
Cosic, Dobrica: on Tito, 114; on Vietnam, 16
Crimean Plains, 82
Crna Gora. See Montenegro
Croatia: Hapsburg, 60; Holocaust in, 12, 13, 14, 82-83, 94, 116; independence of, 82; Fascist, 12, 102, 112; neo-Ustas*e, 98; recognition
    of, 18, 82-83, 112; Serbs in, 3-4, 13, 14, 112; Tudjman and, 13; Yugoslav civil war (1991-1995), 8, 14, 15, 121. See also Yugoslavia, civil
    war; Krajina
Croats: 12, 20, 28, 95, 114; Alexander I and, 82; in America, 28-29; in Bosnia, 6, 10, 13, 95; “Bosnian Croats,” 95; Bosnian Muslims and,
    13; Fascist, 12, 20, 30, 96; and the Holocaust, 12, 13, 20, 82-83; immigrants to U.S., 54; and Nazism, 12; as Partisans, 30; political
    clericalism of, 96; WWI, 112; WII, 20, 112; Yugoslav civil war (1991-1995), 14, 15
Crusades, 94
Cuba, 16
Cyrillic, 3, 23
Czechs: immigrants to U.S., 54

Damjanovic, Vuk: communist philosophy of, 86; Spanish Civil War and, 84
Danube River, 6, 8, 104
Darwin, Charles, 44
Death of God, 117, 118
Death of Ideology, 118
Dearborn, Michigan: Henry Ford at, 87
de Leon, Ponce, 59
Denver, Colorado: 9, 24; Globeville (suburb of), 34-35; Lakeside Amusement Park, 24; Larimer Street, 29; Public Library, 40; Riverside
    Cemetery, 41; Serbian Orthodox Church, 34-35; Seventeenth Street, 35
Des Moines, Iowa, 24
Detroit, Michigan: 55; immigrants to, 54
Dickens, Charles, 44
Dinaric Alps, 20, 39, 80
Djilas, Aleksa (son of Milovan): 2, 101, 114, 116, 117; birth of, 104; education of, 105; and Marxism, 105; on the value of work, 106-108
Djilas, Milovan: passim 2- 9; birth of, 102; breaks with Soviet Union, 102; breaks with Tito, 104; on Chetniks, 116; Communist past,
    101, 102; death of, 116; delegate to U.N., 102; on democratic societies, 116; dissenter from Communism, 101; imprisonment of, 2, 7,
    101; Marxism and, 113; on nationalism, 116-117; “The New Class,” 104; on patriotism, 114; translator of Paradise Lost, 102; view of
    history, 113; view of Tito, 104, 114; visits U.S., 102; and Wm. Jovanovich, 101; works of, 101; youth of, 113
Djilas, Stefica (wife of Milovan), 2, 101, 104, 116
“dust bowl.” See “United States and America”

Earp, Wyatt, 62, 63
Eastern Bloc, 109
Ellis Island, New York, 56
Emerson, Ralph Waldo: 46, 82, 94; on philosophy, 99
empiricism, 17
England and Great Britain: 68, 105; ally of Serbia and Montenegro, 10, 96, 112; ally of Serbs, 112; break-up of Yugoslavia, 82-83;
    Church of, 110; fear of Russia, 6, 20; recognition of Croatia and Slovenia, 18; and the Serbs, 18; support of Partisans, 29-30; WWI, 4,
    10, 96; WWII, 30, 112; Yugoslavs to, 109
English: language, 29; literature, 48
Enlightenment, 17
environmentalism, 17
epic poetry. See European epic heroes; Serbian folk epics
ethnic cleansing, 13
ethnic slurs, 25, 29
Euphrates River, 6
Euripides, 86
Europe: 40; common man in, 83; geography of, 80; immigration to U.S. from, 54-55; NATO function in, 113; radicals in, 117; relation to
    past, 90; and Santayana’s maxim, 82; Turkey and, 112
Europeans: immigrants to U.S., 54, 55, 58, 59; religious wars, 92; and traditional classes, 106; and WWI, 94
European epic heroes, 62: El Cid, King Arthur, Roland
Europeans, Eastern: ethnic slurs of, 25; immigration to U.S., 25, 54, 59
Europeans, Southern: ethnic slurs of, 25; immigration to U.S., 54
Europeans, Western: nationalism in, 17

Fanon, Frantz, 117
Fate of the Earth?, The, 86
Faulkner, William, 44
feminism, 17
Filipinos: immigration to U.S., 55
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 65, 68
Flatiron Rockies, 55
Flaubert, Gustave, 44
Flexner, Abraham, 51
Ford, Henry, 87
Forster, E.M., 46
France: 4, 80; ally of Serbia and Montenegro, 10, 96, 112; ally of Serbs, 112; break-up of Yugoslavia, 82-83; fear of Russia, 6, 20;
    recognition of Croatia and Slovenia, 18; revolution in, 17; and the Serbs, 18; WWI, 4, 29
Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria: assassination of 4, 6
frontier. See “United States and America”
Friedman, Milton and Rose, 14
Fuentes, Carlos, 43

Gagarin, Yuri, 40
Galicia, Poland, 60
geopolitics, 4, 20, 110
German Romanticism, 17
Germans: immigrants to U.S., 54
Germany: break-up of Yugoslavia, 82-83, 112; Croat and Muslim allies (WWII), 112; dismemberment Yugoslavia, 12; drive to the East,
    6, 20-21; fall of Yugoslavia to (1941), 7, 96; High Command (WWI), 80; Holocaust and, 94; in Montenegro, 30; and NATO, 112; new
    Holy Roman Empire, 112; occupation of Yugoslavia, 12, 21; recognizes Slovenia and Croatia, 18; Serb resistance to, 102; and the
    Serbs, 18; supports Croats and Muslims, Yugoslav civil war (1991-1995), 15; WWI, 4, 10, 80; WWII, 2, 12, 30; Yugoslavia at war
    with, 30
Getaway, The, 46
Gladstone, William, 65
Globeville, Colorado (Denver): 35; Serbian Orthodox Church in, 34
God: 13, 90, 99; Death of, 117, 118
Good vs. Evil (Fall of Man), 13, 99
Gorazde, Bosnia, 16
Gorbachev, Mihail, 80
Grahovo, Battle of, 32
Great Coalfield War, Colorado (1913-1914): 26; Coal Strike of, 33; “Big Strike,” 36
Great Gatsby, The: 68; Jay Gatsby and Montenegro, 68
Great Plains, 52, 54
Great Powers: in the Balkans, 4, 18, 83; Cold War, 16-17; WWI, 4
Greece, 10
Greeks, 4, 6, 21, 33, 94, 113
guslar: 98; description of, 76
gusle: 9, 65; description of, 1
Gypsies: holocaust of, 12, 14, 104

Hapsburg: Croatia (Lika), 60; Empire, 6, 10, 60, 112; heir, 4; Poland (life in), 60; royal family, 8
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 44
Haywood, Bill, 87
Hegel, Georg: on history, 84
Hegel-Marx-Lenin dogmatism, 7
Hegelian-Marxist logic, 113
Helen, Queen of Italy, 28
Helsinki Protocols, 18
Hercegovina, 102. See also Bosnia-Hercegovina
history: Braudel on, 83; Hegel on, 84; Henry Ford on, 87; historical determinism, 86; Wm. Jovanovich on, 79-87; Marxist view of,
    113-114; Santayana on, 80; uses of, 79
Hitler, Adolph: 80, 102; attack on Russia, 30
Hobbes, Thomas: 86; philosophy of, 76; translation into Serbian, 76
Hohenzollerns: royal family, 8
Holocaust: passim, 12-15; Armenian (WWI), 94; of Jews by Ger-mans, 94; Serb-Jewish-Gypsy, 14, 102 and 104; of Serbs, 96; of Serbs
    by Ustase and Muslims, 94; of Serbs in Croatia, 82, 83; of Serbs in Krajina, 18, 20, 82; of Serbs in Slavonia, 82; Tudjman on, 13; by
    Ustase in Croatia-Bosnia, 116
Holocaust Museum, Washington, D.C., 13
Holy Roman Empire, 112-113
Hungary: 20; and NATO, 112; new Holy Roman Empire, 112. See also Austria-Hungary
Hungarian: immigrants to U.S., 25
Hutus, 86

Idaho, 48
Illinois: coal mines in, 24, 32-33; KKK in 32-33
Indio, California, 48
Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), 59
Iowa: immigrants to, 55
immigration, U.S.: description of, 54-56; myths about, 58-60; need for, 58
immigrants: 26, 52; American Serb, 28; attraction to U.S., 59-60; description of, 54-56; institutions of, 59; and labor, 58, 59; myths
    about, 58-60; need for, 58; new, 55-56; prejudice against, 25, 32-33, 58-59
imperialism, 117
Iran: role in Yugoslav civil war (1991-1995), 15, 110
Irish: immigrants to U.S., 55, 58
Islam: 94; in Bosnia-Hercegovina, 13; in Montenegro, 98
Italians: ethnic slurs of, 25; immigration to U.S., 54, 55; immigrants to U.S., 25, 33, 55, 58; as “Italian-Americans,” 59
Italy: 59, 80; new Holy Roman Empire, 112-113; WWII, 2, 12, 30, 102; Yugoslavs to, 109. See also Helen, Queen of Italy
Ivanovic, Vane, 76

J’Accuse, 51
Jefferson,Thomas, 84
Jesus: message of mercy, 8, 98
Jews: American and Franjo Tudjman, 13; on civil war in Bosnia-Hercegovina, 12-15; ethnic slurs of, 29; persecution in U.S., 33. See also
Jovanovic, Golub (author’s fore-father), 3
Jovanovic, Milo (author’s grandfather), 3
Jovanovic, Mrs. Milo (author’s grandmother): 10; death of 29, 30-31; WWII, 30-31
Jovanovic, Stevan (author’s fore-father), 3
Jovanovici, 10
Jovanovich, Ilija (author’s father, also Eli, Tata [papa], and “Big John”): 1, 3, 7, 10, 32, 46, 73, 84, 101; birth of, 28; character of, 24,
    26-29; death of, 26, 41; Denver Serbian Orthodox Church and, 34-35; description of, 23-25; ethnic slurs and, 29; Great Coalfield
    Strike and, 26, 33-34, 36; as guslar, 98; headstone of, 41; immigration to U.S., 24, 28, 55, 60; KKK attack, 32-33; life of, 24-38, 46;
    mother’s death during WWII, 30 and 32; Orthodoxy and, 90; patriotism of, 26, 119; pride of, 24-25, 34-35; returns to Montenegro, 9,
    28; on Serbdom, 28, 32, 40, 119-120; Serbian lodge, Globeville, 35; tolerance of, 29; tried as alien, 36; union and, 26, 59; village of, 72;
    work of, 24, 55
Jovanovich, Mary (author’s sister), 32, 33-34, 41
Jovanovich, Millie (author’s sister), 26, 32, 34, 41
Jovanovich, Mrs. Ilija (author’s mother), 25, 29, 32, 34-36, 73; birth of, 60; immigration of, 56; member of IWW, 59
Jovanovich, Mrs. William (author’s wife), 23, 41, 108
Jovanovich, Petar (author’s father’s brother): as volunteer to Montenegro, 10, 32
Jovanovich, Stefan (author’s son): service in Vietnam, 26; on Vietnam War and civil war in Bosnia-Hercegovina, 15
Jovanovich, William: in Austria, 105; birth of, 24, 48, 55, 60; on communists in Yugoslavia, 120; couplet about Montenegro, 77;
    education of 48, 52, 108; in England, 65; godfather of, 34, 56; grandchildren of, 89; great grandfather of, 90; headstone of, 41; on
    history, 79-87; in Italy, 70, 72-73; on market-driven economy, 118; Montenegrin clan of, 90; patriotism of, 48, 119; on Santayana’s
    maxim, 80-83; on Serbdom, 120-121; and Serbian Orthodox Church, 89-90; service in WWII, 26, 43; on U.S. frontier, 52-63; view of
    work, 106, 108; work experience, 108; on writing, 43-44, 46; in Yugoslavia, 2-3, 44, 69, 89, 95, 101
Juarez, Benito, 117
Judaism, 94
Jungle, The, 59

kafana (Balkan coffee house): life in, 2, 44 and 46, 72
Kalemegdan, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 8, 104, 108
Kansas City, Kansas: immigrants to, 54
kapa: description of, 3
Karadzic, Radovan: Montenegrin origin, 39
Karageorge: origin of name, 38
Karadjordjevici (modern Serbian dynasty), 38
Kentucky, 55
Khrushchev, Nikita, 40
Kiev, Ukraine: Jewish ghetto of, 60
Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, 9, 28, 69. See also Yugoslavia
Klu Klux Klan (KKK), 32-33
Kolasin, Montenegro, 102
Komane, Montenegro, 9
Koreans: immigration to U.S., 55
Kosovo, Yugoslavia: 92; as autonomous province, 96; Battle of 1389 (Vidovdan), 3, 76, 99; Milosevic and, 110; and NATO, 121; Njegos
    on, 99; Serbian religious heartland, 92
Krajina (Vojna Krajina, Military Frontier): description of, 20; Holocaust in 14, 18, 20, 82; Serb Partisans in, 30; Serb rebellion in, 18,
    20; and Serbdom, 119-120; Serbs driven from, 92. See also Lika (Krajina)
Kuci (author’s Montenegrin clan), 90
kum, kuma (godfather, godmother), 89
Kurds, 86

labor (U.S.), 26, 33, 34, 36, 59
Land Without Justice (Besudna zemlja), 2
Latin America: immigration from, 56; radicals in, 117
Latinos: migrant workers, 56
Lenin, Vladimir Ilich, 7, 80, 84, 98
Lewis, Joe E.: remark of, 79
Lika (Krajina), 29, 60
literature, 44, 46, 86
Loire River, 80
Lokmer, George (author’s brother-in-law), 29
London, England, 66
Louisville, Colorado, 46
Ludlow, Colorado: massacre in, 26, 33

Macedonia: Serbs in, 4; and NATO, 121
Macedonians, 114
Madison, James, 84
Majorca, Spain, 76
Mao, Tse-tung, 117
Marcuse, Herbert, 117
market-driven economy, 108
Marseilles, France: assassination of King Alexander I in, 30
martyrdom: Enlightenment view of, 17
martyrs: Islamic view of, 94
Marx, Karl, 84, 98
Marxism: 84; dialectics of, 7, 105; and Djilas, 7; on history, 113-114; on patriotism, 114; Serbs and, 98; theory of, 113
Marxist-Leninism, 113
Marxist theorists, 84: Mikhail Bakunin, Friedrich Engels, Vladimir Ilich Lenin, Karl Marx
mass media, 44
Matchless Mine, 63
medals. See Serbia; Montenegro
Mediterranean Sea, 4, 20
Medical Education in the United States, 51
medicine. See “United States and America”
Metternich, Clemens Prince: on location of the Balkans, 74
Mexicans, 33
Middle East, 20
Midwest, 56
Mihailovic, General Draza: Chetnik leader, 102; execution of, 28
Military Frontier. See Krajina
Milton, John, 99, 102
Milosevic, Slobodan: Montenegrin origin, 39; protests against 108-110, 112-113; and Serb nationalism, 110
mining towns, Western U.S., 84: Aguilar, Colorado; Delcarbon, Colorado; Erie, Colorado; Farr; Gebo, Wyoming; Quealy; Rock
     Springs, Wyoming
Minneapolis, Minnesota: immigrants to, 54
Minnesota: immigrants to, 55
Mississippi River, 52
Mladic, General Ratko: orphan of Holocaust, 12
Monroe Doctrine, 51
Montana: Serbian Orthodox church in, 90
“Montenegrans.” See Montenegrins
Montenegrins: clans, 36, 92; coal
miners in America, 29, 84; code of honor, 36, 39; description of, 3, 66, 70; Djilas as, 7; in The Great Gatsby, 68; humor about, 39, 40-41;
    humor of, 72; image in Europe, 40; immigrants to U.S., 23, 29, 36, 41, 48, 90; independence of, 20, 32; Wm. Jovanovich on, 48, 65-66;
    leadership in Yugoslavia, 39-40; medals, 66, 68; in The Mountain Wreath, 98; national costume, 3, 9; and Serbdom (Srpstvo), 40, 121;
    warriors and poets, 39-40, 70
Montenegro: 12, 40; with Allies in WWI, 10, 68; author’s father born in, 28; Brda in, 39, 102; Chetniks in, 29, 30, 102, 116; Communist
    government in, 98, 120; Djilas in, 7; Djilas book about, 101; Djilas born in, 102; emigration from, 24, 60; in The Great Gatsby, 68;
    humor about, 40; immigrants from, 1; international sanctions, 15; medals of, 66, 68-69; national costume, 3, 9; Njegosi, rulers of, 28;
    opportunities in (pre-WWI), 60; origin of name, 38, 39; Partisans in, 29, 30, 102, 116; and Ser-dom (Srpstvo), 40, 120; volunteers to,
    10; Wm. Jovanovich couplet about, 77; Wm. Jovanovich on, 65; WW I, 10, 96; WW II, 29, 30, 102, 116, 119; Zeta in, 39
Moors (Spain), 4
Moscow, Russia: 40; connection to partisans, 30; Djilas to, 102
Mountain Wreath, The, 98
Murad I, Sultan, 3
Muskie, Edmund, U.S. Senator, 54
Muslims: Moors of Spain, 4; conflict in Montenegro, 38. See also Ottoman Turkey; Ottoman Turks (Muslim)
Muslim, Albanian, 20
Muslims, Bosnia-Hercegovina: 13, 83; “Bosnian Muslims,” 95; break-up of Yugoslavia, 95; declared a “people,” 6, 96; Holocaust, role
    in, 12; and NATO, 121; and Nazi Germany, 96; WWI, 10; WWII, 12; Yugoslav civil war (1991-1995), 14, 15, 16, 20
Napoleon, Bonaparte: invasion of Russia, 80
nationalism: American and Western European, 17; Djilas and, 116-117; Slobodan Milosevic and, 110; Schell’s view of, 86; Serb, 98, 110;
    Serbian Orthodox Church and, 110
Native Americans: 59; in Western movies, 62
NATO: in the Balkans, 110; present function, 113; push eastward, 112; and Serbs, 121
Nazi: bombing of Belgrade (1941), 102; Yugoslav anti-Nazi coup d’etat, 30. See also Germany; Holocaust
Nazi Holocaust, 14. See also Germany; Holocaust
Nazism: 18; in Bosnia (WWII), 12
Nemanja, Stefan: Grand Zupan, 92; later, Saint Simeon, 92
Nemanja, King Stefan the First-Crowned, 92
New Class, The (book and term from Milovan Djilas), 104
New England: Poles in, 54
New Jersey: author’s mother in Passaic, 56, 59; immigrants to, 55
New Mexico: 48; coalfields of Raton, 84
New World (the Americas), 51, 62
New York City, New York: 9, 25, 26, 106; The Great Gatsby, 68; immigration to, 60; U.N., 102
New York: coal mines in, 55
New York Times, The: attack on Patriarch Pavle, 109
Newton, Sir Isaac, 44
Nikola I, King of Montenegro: 28, 40; abdication, 28; medals from, 66-69; WWI, 10
Nis, Yugoslavia, 69, 109
Njegos, Petar II Petrovic: 86; Djilas’s biography of, 101; leader of Montenegro, 96; The Mountain Wreath, 98; philosophy of, 98-99;
    poetry of, 98-99, 113; The Ray of the Microcosm, 99
Njegosi (ruling clan of Montenegro), 28, 92
North Korea, 16
Northern Ireland: religious wars, 92 and 94

Obilic Medal (Obilic Medalja Prve klase), 69-70
Obilic, Milos, 3, 76
Obrenovici (modern Serbian dynasty), 38
Ogallala, Nebraska, 48-49
opanke: description of, 3
Old World (Europe), 28
Orient Express, The, 9
Orthodox: “Bosnian Serbs,” 95; church services, 10, 89; cross, 3, 23, 41, 92; in Krajina (Military Frontier), 20; and NATO in the
    Balkans, 113; oppressed by Ottoman Turkey, 6; persecution of Bogomils, 13; persecution in U.S., 33; Russian support, 20; suffer
    Muslim rule, 4; Turks driven from Balkans by, 21
Orthodoxy: belief in, 90; church fathers of the East, 99; and Srpstvo (Serbdom), 40
Ottoman Turkey: in Bosnia-Hercegovina, 95; supported by Britain and France, 20. See also Turkey
Ottoman Turks (Muslim): at Kosovo (1389), 3; Montenegrin struggle against, 113; rule in Bosnia-Hercegovina, 13; rule over Orthodox,
    4;  siege of Vienna, 4. See also Turks
Ottomans: royal family, 8

Pacific Ocean, 52
Palmer, A. Mitchell, U.S. Attorney General: crusade against “Reds,” 26
Papal Bull, 51
Paradise Lost, 102
Partisans (Yugoslav): Croats as, 30; Djilas as, 2, 7, 102; Moscow connection of, 30; Serbs as, 12, 30; Serbs from Bosnia-Hercegovina,
    Krajina, Montenegro, 30; Slovenes as, 30; struggle with Chetniks, 29, 30, 102; tactics of, 32
patriotism: American and Western European, 17; Ilija Jovanovich view of, 26, 119; Wm. Jovanovich view of, 9, 48, 119; Marxist view
    of,  114; Serbs and, 109, 110, 116; Tito and, 6
Passaic, New Jersey, 56
Pater, Walter, 43
Paul, Prince (Regent of Yugoslavia), 30
Pavle, Serbian Patriarch: attacked by The New York Times, 109; Serb protest and, 110
Pelletier (coal mine owner in Colorado), 36 and 38
Pennsylvania: immigrants to, 55
Peter I, King of Serbia and of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, 28, 40
Peter II, King of Yugoslavia, 30
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: immigrants to, 24, 25, 55, 60
Plato, 99
pleme (Montenegrin clans), 36, 90, 92
Podgorica, Montenegro: 72, 76; meaning of name, 10
Poles: immigrants to U.S., 54; author’s Polish mother, 25, 59; as “Polish-Americans,” 59
political clericalism: of Croats, 96
Pontian Plains, 82
Portugal, 51
Pragmatism, 118
Pravoslav. See Orthodoxy; Church, Serbian Orthodox
Princip, Gavrilo, 4, 6, 32
Protestant Ethic, 108

Radulovici, 10
Racic, Punisa, 40
Radic, Stefan, 40
Raicevic, Vukota, 33
Ray of the Microcosm, The, 99
“Reds.” See Palmer, A. Mitchell
Reed, John (Jack): 65; description of, 87
Reis, Jacob, 59
religions, Eastern, 94: Buddhism, Hinduism, Shintoism
Riverside, Colorado, 41
Rockefeller, John D., 33
Rocky Mountains, 48, 52
Romanovs: royal family, 8
Rose, General Michael: on Yugoslav civil war (1991-1995), 15-16
Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Charles, 73
Rumania, 114
Rumanians, 4
Russia and the Soviet Union: 82, 112, 113, 121; Allies (WWI), 4, 10; and the Balkans, 110; break with Yugoslavia, 102; Britain and
    France fear of, 6, 20; communism in, 16; death of John Reed in, 87; Grand Duchesses of, 28; Hitler’s attack on, 30; Napoleon’s
    invasion of, 80; revolution of (1917), 80; support of Serbs (historic), 20; on Vietnam, 16
Russians: 65; immigrants to U.S., 54

Saint Sava, 92
St. Vitus Day. See Vidovdan
Salinas, California, 48
San Diego, California: 9, 41; immigrants to, 54
Santa Fe, New Mexico, 48
Santayana, George: 84; maxim on history, 80-83
Sartre, Jean-Paul, 117
Sava River, 38, 104
Scandinavian: immigration to U.S., 54
Schell, Jonathan, 86
Scotch-Irish: laborers in U.S., 55
Seattle, Washington: immigrants to, 54
self-determination: doctrine of, 17
Serb armies’ retreat (WWI), 10
Serb kingdoms (Serbia and Montenegro): Allies (WWI), 96; and defeat of Central Powers, 10
Serb medals, 66, 69-70
Serb symbol, 3, 41
Serbdom (Srpstvo): definition of, 7, 119; Djilas and, 6-7; Ilija Jovanovich and, 40, 119-120; Wm. Jovanovich on, 120-121; and Serbian
    Orthodox Church, 92
Serbia: 12; allies (WWI), 10; Austro-Hungarian demands on, 4; Chetniks in, 30; Communist government in, 98, 120; democratic
    experience, 120; First Serbian Revolt (1804), 21, 112; international sanctions, 15; Karageorge in, 38; leader of South Slav union
    (Yugoslavia), 96; medals of, 66, 69-70; and Tito, 95; WWI, 96
Serbian Empire, medieval, 3, 92
Serbian folk epics: 65; description of, 1, 98; Djilas and, 113; recording of, 76
Serbian Orthodox Church. See Church, Serbian Orthodox; Orthodoxy
Serbian Orthodox Federation of the U.S.A. (Srpski Pravoslavni Savez), 23
Serbo-Croatian language (Serbian, Croatian): 2, 23, 29, 39, 63, 66, 76; in Bosnia-Hercegovina, 13; newspapers in, 119; translation of
    Paradise Lost, 102
Serbs: 8, 10, 86, 101, 114; allies of Britain, France and U.S., 112; Americans and, 74; and brokers of war and peace, 8; as Chetniks, 12,
    102; and Communism, 89, 98; defense of Yugoslavia, 96; democracy of, 120; Djilas on, 113; ethnic slur of, 25; and Great Powers, 18,
    82-83; identity and church, 90, 92; independence of, 92; Ilija Jovanovich on, 26-28, 32, 119-120; Wm. Jovanovich on, 46, 48, 98,
    120-121; Muslim rule of, 4; nationalism and, 110; nationalists, 98; and NATO, 113; as Partisans, 12, 30, 102; as patriots, 109, 116;
    relations with Jews, 15; resistance in WWII, 12, 15, 102; Rus-sian support of, 20; and Santayana’s maxim, 83; victims of Holocaust,
    12, 14, 18 and 20, 82, 83, 94, 96, 102, 104, 116; as Yugoslavs, 95
Serbs, America: 26 and 28, 34, 46; in Gary, 55; immigrants, 54, 58; oppose Mihailovic execution, 28; volunteers (WWI), 10
Serbs, Bosnia: 3, 13, 20, 30, 83, 120; army, 12; “Bosnian Serbs,” 6, 95, 110; civil war and, 13-15; leader of, 39
Serbs, Croatia: 4, 13, 82, 83; civil war and, 13-15. See also Krajina
Serbs, Hercegovina: 3, 13, 20, 30, 120; civil war and, 13-15
Serbs, Krajina: 14, 18 and 20, 82, 120; Military Frontier, 30. See also Krajina
Serbs, Macedonia, 4
Serbs, Montenegro, 1, 3, 30, 102, 119, 120
Serbs, Serbia, 3, 120
Serbs, Slavonia, 82, 120
“Servians” (common English spelling for “Serbians” before WWI). See Serbians
Shakespeare, William, 86
“sick man of Europe.” See Ottoman Turkey
“Significance of the Frontier in American History, The,” 51
Sinclair, Upton, 59
Skadar, Lake, 38, 39
Skupstina (Yugoslav parliament): shooting of Stefan Radic in, 40
Slavkovic, Marko, 40
Slavonia: Serbs in, 82; Serbs driven from, 92, 120
Slavs: 34, 54, 73, 112; in Bosnia-Hercegovina, 12-13, 14; immigrants to U.S., 58; independent states (XIX century), 21; indigenous
    peoples of Bosnia-Hercegovina, 21; miners in America (U.S.), 55; Muslim, 10, 12, 13; Orthodox, 6; South Slavs, 28, 39, 96
Slovaks: immigrants to U.S., 54
Slovenes: 20, 82, 114; and dismemberment of Yugoslavia, 95; as Partisans, 30; WWI, 10, 112; WWII, 12
Slovenia: recognition of, 18, 112; WWII, 12
socialism, 18
socialist(s), 69, 114
Sound and the Fury, The, 44
South Americans: immigration to U.S., 55
South Slavs. See Slavs
Southern bottomlands (U.S.), 52
Spain: and the Moors, 4; in the New World, 51; Republic of, Spanish Civil War, 84
Spanish: Civil War, 84; language, 44
Sremska Mitrovica (prison), 2, 101
Srpstvo. See Serbdom
Stalin, Joseph, 102
Stefanovic, Ljubivoje (Ljubo), 69, 70, 72
Sudanese, 29, 86
Sunnyside, Colorado: coal camp and birthplace of Wm. Jovanovich, 24
Sweden: Yugoslavs to, 109

Tennyson, Lord Alfred, 65
theocracy, 96
Tikas, Louis, 33
Tito, Joseph Broz: 2; Communist rule of, 101, 114; and control of state, 82; death of, 82; in Dedinje, 39; designates Muslims as a
    “people,” 6, 96; and Djilas, 7, 102, 104; ethnic origin of, 95; execution of Mihailovic, 28; Partisans and, 29, 30; patriotism of, 6; and
    Serbs, 89, 98; WWII, 7
Titoist, 8, 95, 110
Thompson, Jim, 46
Tioga, Colorado, 29, 33
Tolstoy, Leo, 44, 86, 90
Trieste, Italy: and emigration to U.S., 60
Tsar Lazar, 3, 76
Tudjman, Franjo: at Holocaust Museum, 13; on the Holocaust, 13
Turkey: Britain and France support of, 6; Great Powers (WWI), 4; “sick man of Europe,” 112. See also Ottoman Turkey
Turks: Balkan War (1912), 32; in Bosnia-Hercegovina, 21; driven from the Balkans, 21; and Greeks and Armenians, 94; Ilija
    Jovanovich on, 60, 90; and Karageorge, 38; and the Military Frontier, 20. See also Ottoman Turks (Muslim)
Turner, Frederick Jackson: on the U.S. frontier, 51-52, 58

Ukraine, 121
Ukrainians: immigrants to U.S., 54
United Mine Workers (UMW), 26, 33, 59
United Nations (U.N.), 15, 18, 102
United States and America: ally of Serbia and Montenegro, 10; ally of Serbs, 21, 96, 112; American Revolution, 17; army in labor
    strikes, 34; bias of reporters, 109; civil war of, 62; class distinction in, 106; Congress of, 51; Constitution of, 120; Cosic on, 16; Djilas
    to, 102; “dust bowl” in, 49; East Coast ports, 54, 56; Easterners, 52; federal census (1890), 52; E.M. Forster to, 46; frontier of, 51-63;
    Great Depression, 58; immigrant colonies in, 59; immigrants, 52, 54-56, 58-60; immigrants and exiles in, 26; Ilija Jovanovich and, 26,
    28, 119; Wm. Jovanovich on, 48-49, 90; and KKK, 32; militant unions in, 59; Milosevic and, 110; movie theaters in, 44; mythology in
    62-63; nationalism, 17; new immigrants, 55; passage to, 60; “paved with gold” myth, 59; prejudice in, 58; press and Serbs, 14;
    radicals in, 117; railroads in (transport), 54, 56, 60; recognition of Bosnia-Hercegovina, 20, 112; regional accents, 73; and Serbs, 18;
    settling of the West, 62-63, 83; support of Croatia and Bosnia, 82-83; support of Croats and Muslims, 15; teaching and practice of
    medicine in, 51; values in, 118-119; Vietnam War, 15, 16; view of work, 106; wages in cash, 54; Westerns (film), 62-63
Ural Mountains, 80
Ustase (Croatian fascists): 30; assassination of King Alexander I, 30; Fascist Croatia and, 12; Holocaust by, 12, 14, 82, 94, 102, 104, 116;
    Nazi Germany and, 12; neo-Ustase, 98

Vancouver, 108
VE  Day (Victory in Europe): commemoration of, 13
Venetian, 39
Versailles Conference (1918), 69
Vidovdan (St. Vitus Day): 3, 10; description of, 4
Vienna, Austria: and beginning of the Balkans, 74; Ottoman Turk siege, 4
Vietnam War: 26; compared to Bosnia-Hercegovina civil war, 15-17
Vietnamese: immigration to U.S., 56
volunteers (dobrovoljci): death of, 10; from America to Serbia and Montenegro (WW I), 10
Vojna Krajina. See Krajina
Vojvodina, Yugoslavia, 95

Waksmund, Poland, 60
Wallachian Plains, 82
Walsenburg, Colorado, 33, 36
Washington, D.C.: VE Day commemoration, opening Holocaust Museum, 13
Washington, George, 117
Wayne, John, 63
Weltschmerz, 18
Welsh: immigrants, 58; labor strife, 33, 34
West Virginia, 55
West, Rebecca, 65
West, American: 48, 62-63; new immigrants to, 56; coast (immigrants to), 54, 55; settling of, 83
Western: Allies (WWI), 96; democracies, 18; empires, 4; history, 51; religions, 94; (Western) World, 17, 18, 94
Western powers: in Balkans, 83, 110; and Serbs, 83; support Croatia, 82-83; support Bosnia, 82-83
Western press: and Bosnia, 94-95; Serb protestors and, 109, 113
Westerns (film), 62-63
What’s My Line?, 73
Wilson, President Woodrow, 34
Windsors: royal family, 8
World War I (First World War, The Great War, WWI): 94; Allies vs. Central Powers, 12; Djilas’s father in, 7; German
    High Command in, 80; immigration and, 55; and John Reed, 87; Serb states and allies, 96; Serbs defeat Central Powers,
    10; Serb suffering in, 112; “started” by Princip, 32. See also American Expeditionary Force
World War I, allies, Western, 10, 96, 112
World War II (Second World War, WWII): 26; Axis Powers, 30; Holocaust, 15; Jovanoviches in, 26; in Krajina, 20; in
    Montenegro, 119; Serb resistance, 12; Serb suffering in, 112
World War II, allies, Western, 112
writing: Aristotle on, 43; Carlos Fuentes on, 43; Wm. Jovanovich on, 43-44; Walter Pater on, 43
Wyoming: 48; coalfields of, 84; immigrants to, 55; Serbian Orthodox church in, 90

Yakima, Washington, 48
Yugoslavia: coup d’etat in, 30; break with Soviet Union, 102; break-up of, 18, 21, 82, 95, 112; civil war (1991-1995) in, 8,
    89-92, 94, 95, 101, 110; class distinction in, 117; Communist party of, 109; Communist regime, 2, 6, 39, 82, 89, 98, 101,
    102, 117, 120; disintegration of, 117; Djilas in, 2, 101, 102; formation of, 18, 96; founding member of U.N., 18; humor
    about socialism in, 69; Montenegrin contribution to, 39-40; poorest regions of (pre-WWI), 29; protests against
    Milosevic, 108-110, 112-113; revival, 120; Royal regime, 39, 101; Serb defense of, 96; Serbs in, 89, 98; threat of NATO,
    112; under Tito, 95, 114; WWII, 7, 12, 29, 30

Zajedno (Together): description of, 109; opinions of, 112; protest Milosevic regime, 109
Zeta. See Montenegro
Zeta River, 39
Zola, Emile, 51
Zoroastrians, 13

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