a bi-monthly magazine

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About the Magazine
     In the fall of 1984, the first issue of Serb World U.S.A.appeared in Tucson, Arizona, after the new company purchased the original Serb World. Today Serb World U.S.A.is a striking 64 pages of black-and-white design with one bright color used as accent. It is printed on fine paper and averages 3 illustrations per page. The majority of the photographs are rare—from private collections or archives. Every article is extensively researched. The contributors are from all walks of life and from every conceivable background.
     Over 4,000 paid subscribers regularly receive Serb World U.S.A.which reaches over 20,000 readers in all 50 states and in Canada, Australia, Great Britain, France, Switzerland, Germany, and Yugoslavia.
     Serb World U.S.A.has been called "the best of its kind."  It is not a newsletter and not a newspaper.  Neither is it a scholarly journal. It can be casual and elegant, humorous and serious. The dozen articles in each issue are anywhere from 1 to 15 pages in length. It is a magazine for people who like to read. It is entertainment and good information. Several professionals in the publishing field agree.
     Meinhart Lagies of the Detroit Free Presssaid, "I'm far from being a Slav but I enjoy everything about your magazine... what strikes me the most, I suppose, is the professional way it is designed and edited. And I don't mean 'professional for a small magazine,' I mean professional, period."  A publisher for forty years, George H. Seferovich, has called Serb World U.S.A.a "...delightfully crafted magazine." American author Robert St. John believes, "Your magazine is (should be) of interest to non-Serbs. Very professional and very slick... "
     Serb World U.S.A.is an independent business, a magazine published in English about Serbs and their place in the world—past, present, and future. It is cultural and historical. Some see it as "a link to present and future generations."  It is neither subsidized nor sponsored. The stories and articles are published solely for the enjoyment of the readers, and for twenty-two years, the magazine has relied only on subscription and advertising revenue.
     Serb World U.S.A.covers a wide variety of subjects from folk customs and religious traditions to music, art, poetry, and history. There are also stories about people, communities, and churches. There are articles about the native lands of America's Serbs—Montenegro, Dalmatia, Hercegovina, Bosnia, Lika, Kordun, Banija, Zumberak, Slavonia, Srem, Banat, Backa, and Serbia. There are features about the Serbian connections to the famous train, the Orient Express; the ever-popular operetta, the Merry Widow; and the master of art nouveau, Alphonse Mucha. And that is just the beginning.
     Serb World U.S.A.is also the story of Serbs in America, the immigrants and the emigres, and the contributions they and their descendants have made to the New World in art, music, science, the media, sports, business, literature, scholarship, industry, government, the military, and much, much more.

About the Staff
     Everyone who works at Serb World U.S.A.loves a good story, especially one about Serbs in America, but they have come to the magazine from varied professions with unique perspectives. All share an enthusiasm not only for their own work but also for each other's. Together they explore the cultural world of Serbs and produce a magazine enjoyed by over 20,000 others.
     They can scan materials in seven languages—English, French, German, Russian, Serbo-Croatian, and Spanish. Most are American Serbs; some are not Serbs at all.
     Bowker's Magazines for Libraries(1989) noted Serb World U.S.A.'squality, variety, and originality: 'It has maintained its editorial record as the best of its kind... the well-illustrated pages can feature a piece on making 'Serbian Spirits,' another way of talking about sljivovica. The dozen articles move from heroes of the O.S.S. to all-American Serb, Bronco Kosanovich."

Mary Nicklanovich Hart, Editor/Publisher (M.A. 1974, B.A. 1970, Phi Beta Kappa)
     began editing and publishing Serb World U.S.A.in 1984. Prior to that, she had spent several years researching early South Slav immigration to the United States, published a few journal articles, and was several times a featured speaker on the subject. Her early works are based on primary documents and oral history, and much of that focused on Serbs in the American West—Bisbee and Globe in Arizona; Galveston, Texas; and White Pine County, Nevada.
     In the magazine, she has turned to cultural topics which include an exploration of the Sokolmovement, a description of The Slav Epicby Alphonse Mucha, and the development of "An Alphabet for the Slavs," the story of Cyrillic. In addition, she is the magazine's primary translator of works from Serbo-Croatian into English for the occasional bi-lingual format.
     Among her major translations are the 1992, original English version of Dr. Stojan Lazarevic's History of the Belgrade Choral Society; numerous excerpts from Dr. Jovan Cvijic's (1865-1927) studies of the Balkan Peninsula; and English renderings of over 100 "Letters from Home" (1903-1945) contained in the rare Kosich "Srbin iz Like"Collection.

George Kosich, Chief Staff Writer
     joined the magazine in 1984 just after he retired from a 30-year career as an executive in the brewing industry. He is a native of Wisconsin and long-time Milwaukee resident now living in Tucson.
     His over 60 feature articles are proof of his wide interest in American Serbs, especially young professionals. He has interviewed artists, athletes, attorneys, judges, and scientists from coast to coast. He also took an in-depth look at Maximilian's Miramar and at cilimweaving in Old Serbia.
     However, in the spring of 1985, he made history when he wrote "Mileva Marich of Novi Sad," one of the first accounts in English to conclude that Mileva Marich Einstein was a well-educated scientist in her own right. George Kosich is the master of the short article—focused, sharp, and witty.

Michael D. Nicklanovich, Feature Writer (M.S. 1966, B.S. 1964)
     is an extraordinary writer at home with countless subjects. In addition to a book of poetry and two science textbooks, he began writing for the magazine while he was a professor of biology in Miami, Florida. He has since retired.
     His over 100 feature articles extend from a 5-part series on Serbia in World War I to "Michael the Heavenly Warrior." Following the rivers and mountains, he has explored the Balkan peninsula. Tracing the origins of foods and herbs, he has discovered many secrets of the region.
     In 1988, he brought the "Pirates of the Adriatic," the history of the Uskoks, and the "Serbs of No Man's Land," the history of the Military Frontier, to Serb World U.S.A.readers. In 1990 and in 1993, he spotlighted American Serbs who had won Pulitzers. The Montenegrin connections to the Merry Widowand the Serbian route of the Orient Express were popular favorites as is his series on America's steel mill towns.

Philip D. Hart, Production Manager, Writer (M.A. 1975, B.A. 1970)
     is one production manager  who does everything from typesetting and design to writing feature stories. His original layouts are masterful, an expert selection of sharp images, the effective use of screens and color, and the drawing of original maps.
     He is also a professional historian and former museum administrator, and several of his over 50 articles have found their way into bibliographies throughout the country. He began with a ground-breaking series on the American Serbs in the OSS. His article on Indiana Serb Matt Leach added an important chapter to the John Dillinger saga, and his series on the changing maps of the Balkans have included "Balkan Tightrope," "Flash Point," "Revolt in the Pashalik," and the "Treacherous Road to Autonomy."

Milan Opacich, Music Historian
     is an all-around tamburitzamaster—a  performer, an instrument builder, a teacher, a historian, and a writer—a  man who makes both beautiful music and beautiful tamburitzas. Through his fifty years of experience, research, and writing, he has  documented the contributions of countless musicians to the 100-year-old tamburitzatradition in the New World. Over 100 of his articles have appeared in his regular column, "Milan Opacich Presents," in Serb World U.S.A. and in his book Tamburitza America available through Black Mountain Publishers.

Mary Nicklanovich, Recipe Specialist
     made her first cake when she was just 8 years old, and her mother, Marta, gave her free reign in the kitchen. That was over 70 years ago, and she has loved cooking ever since. In fact, she married a chef, Andrew M. Nicklanovich, and spent over forty years in the restaurant business. She knows Serbian food, of course, but is just as at home with chili or apple pie.
     Over the past 22 years, she has done what few great cooks would ever do: revealed her favorite recipes and treasured secrets. Most of her Serbian dishes were unwritten, taught to her by her mother and close friends. The recipes she has published in Serb World U.S.A.are all authentic. Each was prepared according to exact measurements and then  photographed. They are guaranteed, kitchen-tested, and comprise an extraordinary record of the finest Serb cooking.

Barbara Malczewski, Illustrator
     was a scientific illustrator in her native Krakow, Poland. Since coming to America in the early 1980’s, she has branched out into original oils, exhibit design—and illustrating Serb World U.S.A.'s charming fairy tales. She draws on research and her own knowledge of Slavic folklore, plus a love of the fantastic, to bring the imaginary world of Serbian folk tales to life.

Holly Clark, Circulation Manager (M. Ed. 1998, B. Ed. 1992)
     will receive the orders from this website—after all, she designed it and circulation is her specialty—renewals, new subscriptions and gifts, back issue orders, special requests! After nearly 10 years in the classroom, the former teacher has turned her extraordinary organizational skills to publishing.

Contributors and Authors
     Serb World U.S.A.has published articles from numerous sources.   Much has been reprinted from the classic works of Vuk Stefanovic Karadzic, Jovan Cvijic, and others.
     The magazine has been very fortunate to have attracted the interest of many contemporary authors. Some, like William Jovanovich, need no introduction. Others are known through their outstanding and highly original work published in Serb World U.S.A.
     To the contemporary authors is due much of the credit for Serb World U.S.A.'sexceptional variety. They have chosen great subjects. Along with the staff, the contemporary contributors have been telling the story of Serbs, one article at a time, for twenty-three years, in over 130 issues.

Mary Rusnov Abramovich                 Nikola A. Kosich                                  Nick Popovich
Paul Adams                                    Trudi Kosich                                        Merle Potter
Mark Robert Adzick                         Sophie M. Kovacevich                            Dr. Dan Pyevich
Boris Amidzich                               Richard Kovich                                     David Radakovich
Slobodan Anastasijevic                     William Kreh                                       Milan Radeka
Andja                                            Anne Andrich Krosnjar                           Milan Radich
Dick Armstrong                              Gayle Kretschmer                                   Branko Radichevich
Grace Arnokovich                            George Kresovich                                   Milan A. Radivoyevitch
Georges Babich                               Jelena Krstovic                                      Nick Radlick
Mike Babics                                   Slavko Kvrgich                                     Sandi Tumbas Radoja
W. F. Bailey                                  Nick Lalich                                          Vladimir Radoulovitch
Isidor Bajic                                    Charlotte Langford                                 Dusan Radovic
Jo-an Barnett                                  Joe Lapsevich                                        Nadine Radovich
Dr. Stephen K. Batalden                   Dr. Stojan Lazarevic                               Savo Radovich
Branko Bechir                                 Mrs. Stojan Lazarevic                             Zorka Rasheta
Joyce Bekic                                    Branko Lazarevitch                                 Mark Rasich, Sr.
Nickola Benderach                           Eli Legino                                             Natalie Ratzkovich
Rose Benes                                     Milka Licina                                         June Miljevich Raynal
Russ Beulick                                  Simona Ljubisa                                     Sophia Ristich
Dorothy Bielich                              Stjepan Mitrov Ljubisa                            Lucille Rogich
Paul S. Bielich                               Milla Zenovich Logan                             Eva Romanowski
John Binnion                                  Petar M. Luburich                                  Anita Sabovich Rowe
Milana Karlo Bizic                          Vic Lumovich                                        Amelia Smiljanich Russell
Mary Blethen                                  Sam Lynn                                             Vladimir M. Saskijevic
Ned Bosnick                                   David MacKenzie                                   Abbey Schmelling
Mike Brdar                                     George Majetich                                     Dolores Rossi Script
William J. Broad                             Desanka Maksimovic                              Davin Seay
George Budimir                               Alex Malich                                          George H. Seferovich
Mamie Bugen                                  Mrs. Nina Malinowski                            Millicent Militza Petrov Shyne
Boots Capobianco                            Ann R. Mamula                                     Andrei Simic
Barbara A. Cauffman                         Melvyn Mamula                                     Julia Simich
Virginia Cecil                                  Steven Mandarich                                   Ellen Sklender
Mia Djuricic Certic                           Steven Mandich                                     Eva Sklender
Peter J. Children                               Dorothy Manyin                                    Mary Sklender
Nicholas S. Chanak                           Tina Maples                                         Stella Sklender
Sophie Diklich Chanak                      John Maravich                                       Violet Sklender
Mary Choncoff                                  Ksenija Maric                                        Dushan Skorich
V. Chorovich                                   John T. Marich                                      Violet Boskovich Smith
Kathryn Ciganovic                            Ned J. Marich                                        Mitchell Soso
Joseph Crnobrna                               Stana Markovich                                    Karen Sargentich Stafford
Michael J. Crnobrna                          Father Milan Markovina                          George Stanich
June Crnojevich                                Bonnie Marshall                                    Stephen Stepanchev
Simeon Curic                                   Nada Marich Martin                                Mary Stepanov
William Eleroy Curtis                       Michael Martinovich                                Dan Stepanovich
Dr. Jovan Cvijic                               Robert B. Martinovich                             Georgina Setencich Stevenson
Mike Davis                                      Nicholas M. Masich                                Matthew Stevenson
Connie Deanovich                             Helen Matich                                         Veda Stojadin
Charles De Kay                                 Mary Matovich                                      Sis Susnjer
Eugene S. Dekich                              Alex Medich                                          Glisho Suzich
Stella M. De Less                              Michael Melocchi                                   Nick Tarailo
Janice Delich                                     Lt. Col. Fred A. Meurer                          Alfred Lord Tennyson
Ann Desich                                       J. Daggett McConnell                             Nikola Tesla
Dorothy Desich                                  Pat McCutcheon                                    Duchin Thomas
Helena Desich                                   Chedo Mijatovich                                   Dixie Tipton
Slobodan Dimitrov                            Elodie Mijatovich                                   Michael Todorovich
Ksenija Djordjevic                             Vasa Mihailovich                                    Dr. George Vid Tomashevich
Vuko R. Djurisich                             Ralph Milanovich                                   Milan M. Tomich
Bill Dorich                                       John Milich                                           Mane Trbovich
Father Vojislav Dosenovich                 Midge Milkovich                                    Marco Trbovich
Dorothy Marushkin Draga                   Robert L. Miller                                      Sophie Trbovich
Alex Dragnich                                   David Mirich                                          Father Mladen Trbuhovich
Dragoslav Dragutinovic                       C. Vukasin Mirkovich                             Mary A. Trendle
Artist Drakse                                     Millard Mrvichin                                    Denise Trylovich
Auguste Bernard Duhaut-Cilly              Laura Munger                                        Anne Tumbas
David English                                   Father Savo Nakicenovic                          Milan "Mike" Tumbas
Ted Erceg                                         Lj. P. Nenadovich                                  Milly Vincic
Arthur J. Evans                                 Lubitsa Nenadovich                                 Dr. Vinko Vitezica
Red Fenwick                                     Dr. Vesna Neskow                                  Lawrence Vosovic
Ed Francis                                        William Nickinovich                               John Vucichevich
Robert Gakovich                                N. I. Obradovic                                      Nicholas V. Vucinich
Dorothy Gehlen                                 Rosalyn (Nicolich) Opacich                      George J. Vuckovich
Frances Mihelich Gigstad                    Yvonne Trbovich Orlich                          Mela Vuicich
Violet Glumac Gillen                         George Palikuca Palmer                            Marija Vukcevich
Vida Kovacevich Glush                       Djuro Pantelich                                      B. M. Vukmirovich
Steve Gudovic                                   Olga Pantovich                                      George J. Vuko
Harry Thomas Hanning                       Dr. Spasa Papich                                    Michael Vukobratovich
Charles Herke                                    Paul S. Papich                                       Dan Vuksan
Mike Hogan                                      Dr. Helen Pavichevich                             Emily Waldick
Professor Ales Hrdlicka                       Sava Peic                                              L. F. Waring
Edith Idijidovic-Stevens                      Luka M. Pejovic                                    Bonnie Knezic Webb
Jovan Jovanovic-Zmaj                        Gerald Petievich                                     Donnelle Schuster Weiss
William Jovanovich                           P. Z. Petrovic                                        Ann Dudukovich Whelan
Mickey Jovich                                   Father George A. Petrovich                      Sonia Wolff
Milorad Jovich                                  Woislav Petrovich                                  Donald Wukich
Nick Jukich                                      Olga Yuncevich Pincock                          Reginald Wyon
Vuk Stefanovic Karadzic                      Bodie Plecas                                         Vukadin Yelich
Mildred Mandarich Kasparian               Dorothy (Pokrajac) Pjevach                      Milan Zec
Renee Stoyanovich Kelly                     Michael J. Polovina                               Slavica Zecevic-Pralica
Robert J. Kerner                                 Dusan Popovic                                      Zora Zenovich
Miki Prijic Knezevic                           Adam N. Popovich                                Amelia Zlokovich
Vivian Ljumovich Kolias                     Eli N. Popovich                                    Ron Zobenica
Della Kosanovich                          Father Milan Popovich                           Millie Zupkovich